Posts in Overcomer
From Surfer to Cowboy - Monty Rieck

Monty Rieck is a tried and true cowboy–and a follower of Jesus to boot! He is a 4th generation plumbing contractor, former building inspector, and construction superintendent turned author and evangelist! Life has never had a dull moment for Monty, in fact, quite the opposite! Monty’s been through many ups and downs, but has finally found his steady rock and peace in the love of Jesus Christ–and he’s not afraid to share it! Watch the full interview to hear more of Monty’s testimony and click the link here to find his book, I Am Eli.

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Overcomer, FaithGuest User
Helping Your Mental Health- Rebecca Capps

Rebecca Capps is a licensed MFT and Wellness Coach who takes a holistic approach to healing. Rebecca is adamant that mental health is not to be compartmentalized, but rather it has a fluid and dimensional relationship with bodily and spiritual health as well—when one of these is not functioning at 100%, they all experience strain. Watch the full interview to hear more!

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Small Keys Opening Big Doors- Jenn Rodriguez

Jenn Rodriguez is truly a warrior at heart; diagnosed initially with brain cancer before she was even a year old, beating it, and then having it return several years later to ravage her body. Despite these difficulties, Jenn has chosen to focus on being grateful for the power of prayer and the kindness of people in her life. Watch the full interview to hear the rest of Jenn’s story!

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Faith, OvercomerGuest User
The Remnant - Kathleen Cooke & Jean Liu Christen

Kathleen Cooke shares about what it means to be “The Remnant” in a secular world bent on agendas that do not align with Scripture by embracing the fruits of the Spirit.  As we enter the new year, what does it mean to be in the world, but not of it? Watch the full interview to hear Kathleen’s thoughts on how the fruits of the Spirit can allow us to combat the secularism we face daily.

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The Power of Gratitude- Amy Newmark

Practicing daily gratitude may seem like a big task sometimes adn it may not always be easy to see the bright side of things. Amy Newmark of Chicken Soup for the Soul, encourages each of us to find the little things in each day that bring us joy and write them down. In no time we'll be looking on the bright side of life! So encouraging!

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Why Me?- Ralph DeQuebec

While Memorial Day was yesterday, we want to remember the sacrifices that our brave men and women in uniform make for us everyday. One of our most distinguished guests is Ralph DeQuebec. In this clip, he describes the loss and sacrifice that he and his fellow soldiers made while in the field and how it can live with them long after their tour is over. Join us in honoring the brave men and women like Ralph this week.

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