Good Life is about the good things in life.
Good Life TV’s mission is to inspire, encourage, honor, educate and empower. We dwell on the good and shine light.
Friendship. Especially old friendships. Where you’ve seen it all and stayed friends.
Long-term marriages.
Our elders . . . our seniors . . . folks who are filled with wisdom and don’t really care what other people think anymore.
A beautiful sunrise in the east . . . or sunset in the west . . . the kind that makes you pull over the car and put it on Instagram.
A tree with brilliant colors.
A perfect meal. A great glass of wine.
A slow dance in the rain. A first kiss. Or a millionth kiss.
A story that touches your heart.
A life well-lived. A race well ran. Finishing strong.
A generous person who gives a gift for no reason other than kindness.
A five-iron from 185 yards that somehow checks up 5 feet from the pin.
A tee ball game.
Beautiful music.
An overcomer. A man or woman who has stared down a problem, a disease, an addiction, an affliction…and with perseverance…won the day.
A sacrificial man or woman who works hard each and every day to give their family their best.
A stay at home mom who gets no credit but has the most important job in the world.
A military hero who shows us what Honor looks like.
Two friends who love each other. One loves Obama. One loves Trump. And they don’t care.
That moment after you cry your eyes out after watching a movie…and a new perspective.
All the everyday David vs. Goliath stories.
When your kid says “I love you” for no apparent reason.
When you are with some friends and laugh so hard and so long that your cheeks hurt.
A person with special needs…who may have trouble communicating or being understood….but who has the world’s most pure heart. That special needs parent…who fights for their kid and never gives up.
An entrepreneur who turns an idea into reality. Whose dream comes true…and because of their dream and stick-to-it-iveness…they lift lots of boats.
An encourager . . . who writes that old school hand written note to another person just because.
A kid from a tough neighborhood who changes history.
The coach or teacher who believes in the kid that everyone gave up on…until that kid starts to believe it, too.
An adoption. The story of a precious child becoming the Most Wanted child in the world.
Catching the beauty in the ordinary.
That recovery group . . . who has met together every week for 30 years….where they can finish each other’s sentences. And in that room every week, there is truth and there is grace.
That non-profit running on a shoe-string budget who stands in the gap for hurting people.
That church, mosque or synagogue who lives life as a big family.
Loving grandparents.
Siblings who never give up on each other.
The kind of love that never gives up.
This is some of the good stuff in life.
There is so much good stuff.
That is what this program is about.
The good stuff.
And this is Good Life.
"Good life isn't fame, fortune, follows or feelings. Good life is love, friendship, laughter, forgiveness, redemption, family, hope, adventure, service, joy, kindness, making noble plans, and dreaming great dreams. So wherever you are, raise a glass to good life!"
— Dean Wilson